Friday, August 23, 2013

Sunny Sixteen +

 We have two volunteer sunflowers this year (thanks, squirrels!)
 This is Big Sunny
 Bees love Big Sunny :-)
 Tracking the mid-day sun
Love these flowers!
Li'l Sunny is starting to open today!
 Our little Rosie is thriving!
 Happy little flowers :-)
G-Man, our garden gnome, hanging out with Rosie

We still have a few daisies out front, too!
 This big bee loves our cypress vine!
 These petunias were in our small hanging basket, and in a bad way. I put them out back in the corner of our tomato bed. A week later, and they are so happy!!!
 Our big basket continues to amaze us. I have kept it fed and watered, and it has been spectacular! I love how the purple petunias start looking washed out late in the season, but just keep blooming.
And The Bug has had the most fun popping poppers on her impatiens, lol!
 And of course, our very happy pet geranium, Pinky!
She has always produced two different shades of interesting!

Well, that's sixteen sunny day pics, but as some of you know, photographers also use the "sunny sixteen" rule when photographing the moon. This was a seasonal blue moon, so I played with software filters a bit, as well as messing with other fine-tuning adjustments.
 High clouds first night of the full moon
 Autumnal feel to this one!
 Finally, clear sky!
et Rouge!
Morning after...clouds moving in from the west

Of course the full moon always brings wackiness
 The dreaded weresquirrel!!!
 We had to be on constant toad watch when out and about
 And then there's this!!!

Finally, sometimes flying things can disrupt the evening quiet...especially when you live near the home of the USAF's heavy haulers!
 Coming in low
And large!
I think I'm gonna need a bigger citronella candle...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Swallowtail Sunday!

 Eastern Black Swallowtail (female)

 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (male)

They LOVE our French Dwarf marigolds!!!

 Bonus: American Goldfinch (male)

 American Goldfinch (female)

Angelic Mourning Doves
Shy Mr. Cardinal

And for Lowandslow: 
 Not vintage, but just to let you know I keep an eye on the sky
 Hey, there's a vintage plane on that balloon!

 And a spectacular waxing moon

Finally, a little something for those of you who, like me, are headed back to school soon :-)