Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Queen Mother

Mother, invested with crown,
Blood-stain red halo,
Glassy-eyed pale visage,
Lead-solder heavy burden
Cradled in your strong arms,
Still young, but naïve no more.
How often did you cry
“Why?” as that child grew,
Within, beside, without
You, Our Lady?
Did “eli eli lama sabachthani”
Grace your lips as well?

We appeal to you, Mary,
In our times of trouble,
For you are the one
Who brought forth
The Son on whom
We now in wonder gaze.
Pray, should we also ponder
What was asked of you,
Blessed Madonna,
By Adonai, the One
Who made your belly
A swelling vessel of Presence?

This is a Magpie Tale.  For more tales, click here!


Helen said...

Your Magpie transports me to another world .. another time. Lovely!

Tess Kincaid said...

Elegant tribute to the Queen Mother. The last line "the One who made your belly a swelling vessel of Presence" is just marvelous.

Gerry Snape said...

I love those last few lines considering the mother ...Mary. Very tender.

Jinksy said...

Can't help wodering what would have happened if He'd been a daughter...

Kristen Haskell said...

Very lovely and Merry Christmas

Words A Day said...

love the last four lines, and the phrase your belly/ a swelling vessel..

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

emotional tale.
well expressed and beautiful imagery.

Other Mary said...

Yes, we should 'ponder what was asked of you'
Merry Christmas...I very much enjoyed your Mary Christmas poem

Reflections said...

Lovely expression... nice.

Kathe W. said...

nicely done- Merry Christmas!

signed...bkm said...

Very well done and beautiful piece...always enjoy reading your work...have a Beautiful Christmas...bkm

Carrie Van Horn said...

A beautiful and tender tribute! I love it!! :-)