Sunday, October 17, 2010

LC's On the Bus with A Tale of Two Brothers Magpie

The Open Door
A Sonnet
By Lemuel Crouse

The day grew cold; the moon eclipsed the sun.
I took the Shawnee warrior's path toward home
Through shadowed lands where buffalo had run,
And restless spirits from the past still roam.

The whisp'ring waters sang of one who fought,
His name became a terror to his foes.
Tecumseh, valiant leader, bled for naught,
His dream had died, not so his children’s woes.

They sang of little brother, clumsy lad,
The Noisy Rattle, much too fond of drink.
His wife had watched him waste, her visage sad,
As long he lingered nigh unto life’s brink.

But from death’s bed the Open Door had ris'n,
The Tenskwatawa, prophet for a seas'n.

A Magpie Tale, inspired as always by Willow's prompt.
To participate in Magpie Tales, or to read other entries, just click the link!
Greetings to fellow Poetry Bus riders, as well!  The Bus is driven this week by NanU, who inspired us to get out of the rut.  I kinda, sorta did...I haven't been on the bus in awhile!  Check out the prompt and the other Bus passengers here!


The Bug said...

No one is unsalvageable. Really!

Carolina Linthead said...

Sadly, by the time of Tecumseh's death, the Tenskwatawa's prophecies had been discredited. In later years he failed in an attempt to re-assert himself as a leader of his people, and in the end helped secure their removal west of the Mississippi. He is not fondly remembered by at least some Shawnee, as I found out in class last fall. Nonetheless, I find his story fascinating, and the image of the antique open window/door thus inspired me.

Reflections said...

Interesting take, to find the salvageable... even for Tecumseh, though only through death...

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh-oh-oh, my Native American DNA is tingling here! Beautiful and original take on the prompt.

Pete Goulding said...

Welcome back on board, Carolina.
You create the atmosphere of mystery and spiritualism very very well. A lovely sonnet.

Kat Mortensen said...

I need to watch, "Last of the Mohicans" again.
Lovely sonnet.

Enchanted Oak said...

Good piece, Carolina, in a voice true to Native American mysticism.

Vinay Leo R. said...

beautiful sonnet.. the wordplay was nice and that old time feel to it was nice too! :)

my magpie is ~here~

Helena said...

That was exhilarating. I adored The Noisy Rattle. A fabulous name!

Suz said...

wow i loved your sonnet..i bow
and the history!
more please

NanU said...

Welcome aboard, LC. The Magpie Bus is a popular combination!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Powerful and full of atmosphere.A smoky historical earthy tale. Cool!

NCmountainwoman said...

Wonderful post. Photographs perfectly compliment the wonderful poety.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

I love this sonnet rendition of American history, LC. So many Native American tales to tell. I can feel the rhythm in this.