Monday, January 2, 2012

A cold, hard Magpie

Steel Waters
By Lemuel Crouse

Paints I have aplenty,
An ample color palette
Waiting in my wooden kit,
Sufficient to the task at hand,
Wanting, at last, to bask
In light, to sit rough-framed
On some stark mantel,
Art drawing the eye upward
From mounded ash, soot
And cold hearthstone.

Skill, I have some in hand
And heart; soul and eye enough
To see beauty and reflect it...
Like young firs towering
Over a placid pool
On some far western stream,
Or a supple autumn willow
Bowing to touch a quiet pond...
But honor demands response,
And so I set aside the brushes.

On what shall this day's hushed
Work be drawn? Neither wood
Nor Gessoed canvas will hold
The havoc lurking behind
An artist's slighted eye. You choose...
Polished steel, eh? Well, now...
Will this battered easel stand
The strain, or shall my heartstain
Be the beauty your slender mirror
Evermore splendidly reflects?

To hear me read it, click Play:

This is a Magpie Tale...for more, or to participate, click here!


Kathe W. said...

the havoc lurking....well put!

Semaphore said...

An artist's monologue evoked by the still waters. Intriguing.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

apt tale.

Mimi Foxmorton said...

Excellent picture with your words.
I love coming here on Sundays!

Berowne said...

"Neither wood
Nor Gessoed canvas will hold
The havoc lurking behind
An artist's slighted eye."

Margaret said...

or shall my heartstain
Be the beauty your slender mirror
Evermore splendidly reflects?

now that's an amazing ending to a zinger of a poem!

Brian Miller said...

the beauty of your mirror reflecting...nice...i like a sometimes artist i appreciate this pondering...

Doctor FTSE said...

Your reading is most enjoyable. Thank you.

CHummelKornell said...

Love your approach as an artist! Well done.

Tess Kincaid said...

"...honor demands response..." especially struck me. Beautiful write, Dr. L.

altar ego said...

Wonderful, and how cool to hear it in your own voice!