Sunday, February 19, 2012

A 10-speed Magpie

Living on the Edge

Gi’me that there old ten-speed—
Don’t need 15, and 7 ain’t enough.
Gi’me one o' them springy seats, too—
Don’t want t' wreck the plumbin'.

Got smooth shifters, does she?
And brakes that work, si’vu play—
I ain’t no dang Lance Armstrong,
And this sure as hell ain’t France.

Gonna need knobby dirt tires—
Them thin racers is too wimpy
For these here rough roads—
And one of them water bottles.

Reckon I’ll take that air pump,
And one of them cable locks—
Don’t pay t' take no chances,
What with th' zombies and all.

Huh? Oh, nuthin’…just mutterin’...
Yeah, I’ll take one o' them hats, too.
Put it all on this here Visa card—
I’ll pay it off next month, I reckon…

Me? Yeah, I'm used t' th' desert—
Been livin' on th' edge for years...
Where to? Don't know just yet—
Gotta get outa this phone booth.

This is a Magpie Tale. To read more or to participate, click here!


JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

Love it too... :-)


Mimi Foxmorton said...

I *third* the love! :)

ninotaziz said...

I almost forgot about that 10-speed bike.

Thanks for bringing out back to mind.

The Bug said...


Jo said...

Awesome! What a picture you paint, Michael...the zombie reference is icing on a tasty, tasty cake!

Rinkly Rimes said...

You got right inside your character.

Berowne said...

Imaginative and pleasing...

Helen said...

Pure magic!!!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed the 'bike lingo' weaving through out the verses of your poem. The gruff attitude adds to the ambiance. I loved my ride here. Thank you for sharing this, my friend. =D

Brian Miller said...

ha...nicely done doc...zombies eh?

robkistner said...

Enjoyed this, good work…

…rob kistner
Image & Verse

Tess Kincaid said...

Them thin racers is too wimpy...

Catalyst said...


Tumblewords: said...

Always, always need knobby tires for the desert - yeah, the zombies have messed things up... :)

Trellissimo said...

A biker through and through...

Lyn said...

I like this a lot..and can I borrow your list...just what I need!

Doctor FTSE said...

Much to enjoy here . . as a reader, blogger and bike fan.

Helena said...

Great! You can't beat an old 10 shifter!

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

great fun - better watch those zombies

hyperCRYPTICal said...


Anna :o]

NCmountainwoman said...

Livin' on the edge...definitely the way to go.

Arian Tejano said...

reminds me of Anne Proulx writings, that language flavor.