Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Russian Magpie

Cold Warrior

The Moskva in winter...
Iron water painted by snow.
She and I, bundled, tangled,
Nursing our warming tryst...
Gushing...all that the Moskva
In winter is not...fluid...
Lusty nights, scant daylight
By which to come up for air.

No cares we had that season
Hidden in the teeming city...
Not pretty, but the trains
Always ran on time, afraid
To do otherwise...people died
For such oversight, did they not?
In our little kvartira, the sting
Of secret police was forgotten.

Come spring, she begged
To stroll in Novodevichy,
To gaze upon monuments
Mute, some new, many old,
All cold stone, stark reminders
Of the fate awaiting us:
Ruby cheeks fade to gray,
Hands, hearts, all wither.

Too soon the fateful day came
As I knew it must...duty called.
A coded note, blind dropped
A single line, a chilling phrase...
My glaciated heart crumbled.
Russians don't do happy endings,
She once told me...prophetic...
She barely felt the needle's prick.

This is a Magpie Tale. To read more or to participate, click here!


Helena said...

I love the depth here. Had to read it a few times for the lead up to that last verse. Simply stunning.

Catalyst said...

Wow! Dostoevsky lives!

Tess Kincaid said...

Beautiful write...deliciously dark and Zhivagoesque...

Unknown said...

I love this poem you painted with your words, contrasting the warmth of love with the cold of winter and the secret police. I'm glad the characters had 'that season' together. Chilling.

Jim Calcutt said...

Loved this one!

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...



Brian Miller said...

ugh...the order we hope to never receive perhaps...but duty is duty...smiles.

Margaret said...

Russians don't do happy endings

No fairytales and "happily ever after" in Russia! Great write.

Suz said...

oh dear this was wonderful

Susan Anderson said...

Another of my favorites this week.

You nailed it.


Wayne Pitchko said...

soooooooooo good...thanks for sharing

Wander said...

Thank you for this


NCmountainwoman said...

Dark and lovely. I'll be back to read it again and again.

Tumblewords: said...

Stunning reflection.

Helen said...

Your poem overwhelms .. in a good way!

Doctor FTSE said...

Fine poem. Worth many readings.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

A beautiful wonderful write. Stunning indeed!

Anna :o]

Jo said...

You paint an intriguing vignette with your words, Michael.

You are piercingly honest in your expressions...

"Ruby cheeks fade to gray,
Hands, hearts all wither."

Dang. That's good.

ayala said...

A lovely write !

Mimi Foxmorton said...

Many layers.

Love this!

The Collage Pirate