Friday, May 24, 2013

Birds of a feather: more wings over the OBX

There are so many birds to see along the coast!
 Boat-tailed grackles figured prominently in our viewing

And Laughing Gulls, of course

 We were delighted to see this osprey!

 We saw several occupied nests, as well

But my favorites were you know

 We also enjoyed the familiar Canadian content, of are some geese pretending they're the Wright Brothers, lol!

And I enjoyed seeing these overhead, too
I believe this is an F/A 18 Super Hornet.
 Loved this one!

Made me want to go fly a kite, at the least!


The Bug said...

Love those pelicans :)

Boy can you imagine trying to run along that beach with a kite? That would be QUITE a feat!

Unknown said...

The bird formations in the sky reminded me of the fighting ship formations in Star Wars movies. I love the variety of aircraft. I want to go to (where? Maryland or Virginia to see an aircraft carrier) It's on my bucket list. I am so happy for the thrills you discovered on your vacation. Thank you so much for sharing all of this, Carolina and Bug.

Jayne said...

All SORTS of flying things! :c)