Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Poem 2011

Friends, dear, far and near, some of you are on our mailing list, but alack, not all. Every year we write a poem at Christmas. Sometimes it is a collaboration, and often one or the other makes editorial suggestions, some stronger than others...heh. This year I was the author. By The Bug's official tally, that makes us even at ten each. This year's poem was inspired, at least indirectly, by Tess Kincaid, author of the blog Life at Willow Manor, poet extraordinaire, and producer of Magpie Tales, which features a weekly writing prompt. Thank you so much for Magpie Tales, Tess! I responded to this prompt last December with a poem, a revised and expanded version of which follows:

Queen Mother

Mother, invested with crown,
Blood-stain red halo,
Glassy-eyed pale visage,
Lead-solder heavy burden
Cradled in your strong arms...
Master craftsmen of yore
Immortalized you this way,
And so, in turn, do we.

What happened to that
Brown-eyed, dark-haired girl,
Still young, but naïve no more?
How often did you cry “Why”
As your child grew within
While you were shunned
From without? Did you shout
“eli eli lama sabachthani” too?

We appeal to you, Mary,
In our times of trouble,
For you are the one
Who brought forth
The Son on whom
We now gaze in wonder:
“Vision of glory, this Child
Asleep on the hay.”

Pray, should we also ponder
What was asked of you,
Oh Blessed Madonna,
By Our Father in Heaven
Whose child you carried,
Raised, loved, and buried:
The One who made your belly
A swelling vessel of Presence?

Mike & Dana Rhyne
Christmas 2011

May you experience grace, peace, and love, 
in this season and always!  
Dr. L.


Maude Lynn said...


Argent said...

Swelling belly of presence.

Nicely done.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Beautiful and a reminder of what it is all about. Particularly here in Ireland were we should be crying out, 'My church, my church, why have you forsaken us?'


Heather said...

Such a beautiful and thought provoking poem Michael and a very fitting image. Thankyou.

Gerry Snape said...

thnakyou Dana and Michael for this and all of the other goodies that you have brought your following this year...I'm so with you both on this post!!

Anonymous said...

you are such a supportive gem to magpie tale prompt, smiles.

what a sweet tribe.

Anonymous said...


Happy Holidays.

Got talent in short fiction, check out our short story slam week 17 prompt today,

We interview participants, we do book reviews,

We intend to serve and promote your work, why not giving it a try?

Sample something new is a way to escape boredom,

Hope to see you be part of our short story slam team.


Enjoy A Blessed Winter Break.
